<Postponement Announcement>

Due to the global unfolding of the NCOV-19 epidemic, WHO declared an international public health emergency on 30 Jan 2020. As such, the Organising Committee of the Tow Tiang Seng Lecture originally scheduled on 7 March 2020 is working towards a postponement to the later part of 2020. More details will be sent out when the new dates are confirmed. We sincerely apologise for this sudden turn of events and seek your kind understanding.

The Ecology of Longevity: Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine & Biomedical Perspectives

Modern biomedical science is re-discovering natural methods of achieving health and longevity that resonate with ancient wisdom in Chinese medical texts. In line with MSC’s focus on a preventive, non-drug approach to improving the quality of life in mental and physical aspects, this talk presents the common ground shared by modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and suggests how it may be possible to combine them for better longevity outcomes.

The keynote speaker, Professor Hong Hai, former chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee on Health and former Dean of the Business School at Nanyang Technological University, holds an MD in Chinese Medicine (Beijing) and PhD (London), and is the author/editor of five books on Chinese medicine. The lecture will feature a panellist discussion with Chairperson Professor Kua Ee Heok, Associate Professor John Wong Chee Meng, and Professor Tan Chay Hoon.

The lecture is organised by Mind Science Centre (MSC), NUHS Centre of Excellence and academic research centre, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, Dept of Psychological Medicine. MSC aims to be a knowledge center of excellence for psychological research, education and services in the community, building an Undefeated Mind and resilience across all ages.

Interested attendees may register at: 
