Since 10 August, the Singapore government has loosen the restrictions and we are inching towards our envisioned new normal once again. As mentioned in our previous article on the first Mini-AWE session, Mind Science Centre pooled in the resources to roll out a two-part series to engage our Age Well Everyday (AWE) senior participants with interesting talks and workshop preview. The second session was held on 14 August and we were glad to have a total of 94 people online with us on the Saturday morning.
Let’s recap on the second session!
Key Highlights
The webinar started off with a Mindful Awareness Practice guided by Ms Joy Chen, our in-house Mindfulness Teacher. If you would like to find out more about Mindfulness and how you can go about cultivating as a habit in your daily life, check out our mind booklet titled “Mindfulness 101”.
Next up, Mr Peter Yeo – our trainer for the upcoming AWE Handphone Photography Workshop – revised on the basic techniques he covered during the first session. He went on to explain the components of a handphone camera the seniors should look out for when choosing a suitable smartphone with adequate camera functions. Thereafter, he elaborated on how photos should position the point of interest with a framing technique called “The rule of thirds”.
Ms Tham Siang Yu – the founder of By Wind and Wave – delivered an insightful talk on horticulture. Well-known for her nature-based programmes, Ms Tham seeks to connect people with nature and to foster positive attitudes towards the environment. During this interesting segment, seniors learned the benefits of having house plants, the therapeutic benefits of gardening and the three house plants that are relatively easier to grow in their house.
Lastly, Professor Kua Ee Heok, the Tan Geok Yin Professor in Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the National University of Singapore, introduced the Therapeutic Rainforest Programme to the webinar participants. This programme is set to launch in the later half of the year, where the Age Well Everyday volunteers will undergo training to learn how to facilitate a mindful walk in the rainforest.
Watch the recorded webinar to find out more!
We hope you enjoyed this webinar, and we look forward to seeing you again. Mind Science Centre will be updating on this page when the video is ready for sharing. Webinar videos are for educational purposes, in line with our goals to share knowledge and benefit the community. Please do not replicate the videos or slides without permission.
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AWE Programme
Age Well Everyday is a holistic and evidence-based depression and dementia risk prevention programme designed to delay cognitive deterioration, reduce anxiety and increase socialisation. This flagship programme under Mind Science Centre is derived from the ongoing 10-year Jurong Ageing Study. As of now, the programme includes health education, physical exercise, mindfulness practice, art and music reminiscence, horticultural therapy, choral singing and therapeutic forest. The list may grow as our research team uncovers more beneficial activities.
Click HERE for more information.
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