Were there times when you felt a need to walk away from something overwhelming in your life?

A therapeutic walk through the forest might just be the key to healthier and happier lives.

Take a moment to hear the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, or simply the crackling sound as you take a step on the leaf litter on the forest ground. Enjoy the perfect serenity of the forest and be intrigued by the little flora and fauna surprises along the way. Reconnecting with nature is a great way to take a break, stimulate your senses and recharge yourself.

In Mind Science Centre’s new pilot study on Nature and Mindful Awareness, we brought 22 seniors on a journey to reconnect with nature while studying the impacts of such mindful walking on the individual’s mental, physical and social health. The study is the latest initiative of Age Well Everyday (AWE) programme, an ongoing community intervention that seeks to prevent depression and dementia in the elder generation.

Watch the short video below to find out more.

Keen to be part of the AWE programme?

Drop us an email at and we will provide you with more information.

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