E-Learning Courses

About AWE E-Learning Courses

The AWE E-Learning Courses were created in collaboration with SUSS UniLEARN and Stroke Support Station. It aims to raise awareness and positively influence health behaviour of individuals and communities, with a special focus on dementia and depression prevention. The online programme is created to increase accessibility and flexibility, thus increasing our volunteer training capacity. With the online modules, anyone can learn any time, anywhere.

The full suite AWE E-Learning Training Course comprises of: 

  • 6 online modules
  • 1 Mindful Awareness Practice (MAP) session (full-day)
  • 1 webinar with healthcare professionals

Those who completed the programme can then sign up for an additional Teaching and Facilitation module to be certified as an AWE trainer.

For those with a special interest in specific topics, you can also choose to take the individual modules separately.

Courses Available

All these online modules are available in both English and Chinese languages. Other languages are currently in works. Keep a look out when it is ready to launch.


A Free Webinar on Depression

Being the most common psychiatric condition in Singapore’s elderly, depression affects about 6% of those aged 65 and above. While professional help is definitely important, community support cannot be disregarded. Mental health literacy is thus critical in preventing and managing depression. This module provides learners with the knowledge to identify:

  • Signs and symptoms of depression
  • Risk factors, possible causes, and prevention methods
  • Management and treatment of depression


AWE Lerning - Stroke

Stroke is one of the leading causes of adult disability in both Singapore and worldwide. As such, it is important for people to know about its symptoms, as well as treatment and management methods. Our stroke e-learning module will discuss:

  • Types of stroke
  • Risk factors leading to stroke
  • Symptoms of stroke
  • Types of treatment required by stroke patients
  • Preventive measures for stroke


AWE Lerning - Dementia

In Singapore, 1 in 10 people above the age of 60 suffers from dementia. And while a lot of studies have been done, dementia still has no cure. As such, dementia preventive measures, such as our AWE programme, is of great importance. This dementia e-module presents an overview of dementia, covering topics such as:

  • Categories of dementia and their causes
  • Risk factors for dementia and prevention methods
  • Clinical diagnosis process and identifying early symptoms
  • Recommended places to seek help and treatment
  • Practical tips on how to care for a person living with dementia (PLWD)


AWE Lerning - Caregiving

With the ageing population, the need for caregiving in Singapore is increasing. As A/Prof Tan Tin Wee mentioned in one of our webinars, “Everyone is either a caregiver or a caregiver-to-be”. 

This module will discuss:

  • Importance of caregiving
  • Factors contributing to caregiver stress and coping mechanisms
  • How caregivers can support the management of elderly persons’ medication, diet and nutrition, personal care and hygiene, as well as safety at home
  • Available community resources for caregivers

Lifestyle Management I

AWE Lerning - Lifestyle

Focusing on diet and exercise, this course will provide practical tips to achieve optimal mental and physical well-being. This includes sessions on:

  • Identifying health risks and planning steps to achieve health goals
  • Importance of good nutrition and ways it can be achieved
  • Recommended exercises

Lifestyle Management II

AWE Lerning - Relaxation

In one way or the other, everyone experiences stress. While not all stress is necessarily bad, stress management is important to improve your mental health and overall wellbeing. This course will teach you how to:

  • Define stress & identify causes of stress
  • Explain how stress affects you
  • Recommend stress management techniques
  • Adopt Mindful Awareness Practice (MAP) to improve mental well-being

Teaching and Facilitation

AWE Lerning - Teaching

Open to those who have completed the AWE full suite programme, this module prepare volunteers to be certified AWE trainers. Through this module, you will learn:

  • Differences between teaching and facilitating
  • Role, responsibilities, and core skills of a teacher and facilitator
  • Characteristics of a teacher and facilitator
  • AWE course structure and lesson plan
  • Techniques in facilitating an online webinar

National Silver Academy Subsidy for AWE E-Learning Courses

A 50% discount is available for Singaporeans aged 50 and above. For instructions on how to use the coupon code, please click here.

Course Title Full Price (incl. of 9% GST) NSA Subsidised Fees
$ 252.62
$ 134.40
Individual Modules
$ 33.61
$ 17.90

For enquiries, email pcmbox6@nus.edu.sg.