Behind the stage curtains: The people with a heart of gold

The next edition of our signature fund-raising musical event will be on stage in late February! Featuring familiar faces for our cast and production team, the whole new story will be double the fun with two showtimes!

We were blessed with overwhelming support for the second edition of the musical – An Undefeated Mind, and this year, two volunteer groups has approached us to be the organizers to bring another beautiful show to the public.  


Living with Lucy - Event Main Page

Lucy, a newly diagnosed senior with dementia, is facing a dilemma.  Her family intends to move overseas, as her son-in-law has found a new job in Shanghai. But Lucy refuses to move, as she is nervous about losing what little there is left, especially her familiar home, caring neighbors and loving friends.

Grappling with a difficult decision to relocate, Lucy and her family are faced with real challenges. To live with Lucy or to leave her behind?

Tickets are available on SISTIC! Get them now!

If you’d like to support the musical by making a donation, click HERE.


The musical committee that consists of volunteers who are key members of the Inner Wheel Club of Singapore West and Family Business Network (FBN) Asia, were featured in an article on New Fortune Times. Dr Lee Oi Kum, Helen Yang, Janet Lim and Mary Ann Tan spoke about the reasons why they are committed to bring this musical to the public.

Read HERE to find out more about the meaningful backstory.

Inner Wheel Club of Singapore West

Inner Wheel Club of Singapore West is the Singapore’s chapter of the International Inner Wheel, the largest NGO women service voluntary organization in the world, who also has representation at the United Nations. Their recent projects include charity provision of food vouchers, groceries, medical supplies and household needs to over 600 families; volunteer training for teaching of pre-school reading and writing; and excursions for senior residents who are living alone.

Keen to find out more? Contact them at

Family Business Network (FBN) Asia

FBN Asia is a regional chapter of FBN International, a private not-for-profit organization representing 4000 family businesses in 65 countries, to promote the success and sustainability of family business. ‘By Families, For Families, Together Across Generations” – In line with their motto, ‘Living with Lucy’ is a production close to their hearts, as it raises awareness about navigating intergenerational relationships, and the challenges of ageing with compassion and empathy.

Find out more by contacting them at


Musical An Undefeated Mind Behind the Scenes

Rehearsals and practice have begun since December and we are counting down to D-Day of showtime on 24 and 25 February. 


Were you there with us at the Paragon Orchard on 29 January?

The cast and musical committee featured a special Lunar New Year Roadshow on the Sunday afternoon, which attracted crowds of shoppers at the atrium!

We were serenaded by the angelic voice of Fleur, who sang ‘Somewhere only we know’.

The duet by Richard Eu and Shirlene Tang definitely stole the limelight as they sang their rendition of ‘Unforgettable’.

We heard a little sing along from the crowd when the melodic tune of ‘一人一半 ‘began, performed by Richard and Jason.

The highlight of the day was the amazing choir performance, where they interacted with the audience to sing along to the theme song ‘Put a little love’, led by our talented Music Director – Amni Musfirah.

See you on 24 and 25 February!

Mind Science Centre will be setting up an information booth on both days! Drop by the National Library (Level 3) to find out more about our research, programme and initiatives! We will be giving complimentary copies of our renowned Mind Series Booklets!


AWE is a holistic and evidence-based depression and dementia risk prevention programme designed to delay cognitive deterioration, reduce anxiety and increase socialisation. This flagship programme under Mind Science Centre is derived from the ongoing 10-year Jurong Ageing Study. As of now, the programme includes health education, physical exercise, mindfulness practice, art and music reminiscence, horticultural therapy, choral singing and therapeutic forest. The list may grow as our research team uncovers more beneficial activities.

Feel free to contact us at


AWE Homepage:

AWE E-Learning Portal:

MSC Donation:


Doctor, am I at risk of Dementia? – Living with Dementia Webinar Series

A common question family caregiver asks us in the clinic is “Doctor, am I at risk of dementia?”
This webinar will focus on the causes of dementia and what we can do to prevent the illness. The types of dementia and early signs will also be explored.
We have invited Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at NUS and NUH, A/Prof Rathi Mahendran to share her expertise. This webinar will be chaired by Mind Science Centre Vice Chairman, Tan Geok Yin Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Prof Kua Ee Heok.


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