2019 MSC Seed Grant
Awarded Projects
Project Reference
Project Title
Host Department
Effectiveness of “Where-there-is-no-psychiatrist Integrated personal Therapy” (WIT) among community dwelling older adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Assistant Professor Shefaly Shorey
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Effects of a ‘Family Intergenerational Bonding’ (FIB) intervention on improving intergenerational relationships, quality of life and subjective well-being in older adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Dr Tam Wai San, Wilson
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Investigating volunteerism in older adults: A quantitative and qualitative approach
Dr Johnson Fam
Psychological Medicine
Chinese Ink Painting in the Prevention of Cognitive Decline: A Community-Based Interventional Study
Dr Chee Tji Tjian
Psychological Medicine
Project Title: Effectiveness of “Where-there-is-no-psychiatrist Integrated personal Therapy” (WIT) among community dwelling older adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
PI: Assistant Professor Shefaly Shorey
Host Department: Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Project Title: Effects of a ‘Family Intergenerational Bonding’ (FIB) intervention on improving intergenerational relationships, quality of life and subjective well-being in older adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
PI: Dr Tam Wai San, Wilson
Host Department: Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies
Project Title: Investigating volunteerism in older adults: A quantitative and qualitative approach
PI: Dr Johnson Fam
Host Department: Psychological Medicine
Project Title: Chinese Ink Painting in the Prevention of Cognitive Decline: A Community-Based Interventional Study
PI: Dr Chee Tji Tjian
Host Department: Psychological Medicine