Empowering Youths

It’s the key message we conveyed through Mind Art Experiential Lab’s (MAELab) second curation – Teens & Kin.

Back in April this year, a pre-curation art workshop took place at Boon Lay Primary School with a group of 16 students, from the West Zone schools. The specially tailored workshop brought its participants on a 5-week journey to explore concepts of self, family and emotions; and learning how to express them through various mediums of art. Find our more HERE.

As a final step to conclude the workshop, the students were invited to MAELab to personally install their own artwork at the themed section.

Beyond the creation of an artwork to voice their unique message to the world, their involvement in the installation works instilled a sense of self-efficacy for the youths.

Teen & Kin Installation

They have the power and confidence to tell their story to the those who are willing to listen.  It was the perfect way to strengthen the learnings from the curation workshop.

The curation launch was initiated with a symbolic move to attach the respective heartfelt messages penned and signed by Dr Janil Puthucheary, Mr Chua Song Khim (Deputy Chief Executive, NUHS), Ms Linda Neo (Chairperson of Art Science Council) and A/Prof John Wong, to the ‘Open Secret: Heart-to-Heart’ wall.

Check out the video to see the smiles of our adorable young artists!

The second curation was officially launched by Dr Janil Puthucheary, the Senior Minister of State, Ministry for Health and Ministry for Communications and Information, on 1 July!

The curation will be opened for public viewing till 31 October 2022!

Book your visit HERE!

Here’s the address:

Alexandra Hospital, 378 Alexandra Road, Block 29 Level 2, S159964

For more information, please contact us at pcmbox6@nus.edu.sg.

Follow us on Facebook @mindsciencecentre and Instagram @mindsciencecentre to be in the loop of all the behind-the-scenes and upcoming themed workshops!

Mind Art Experiential Lab (MAELab)

MAELab is an innovative space for discovery of creative and integrative interventions through art, mindfulness and transdisciplinary research to promote mental wellness and enhance quality of mind. Through this space, we seek to raise awareness on mental health, evoke embodied reflective moments and provide an experiential journey that allows internalization of learning with personal relevance.

Join us on a virtual tour of the inaugural curation titled ‘Arts, Mindfulness, & the Ageing Brain’ HERE!

Singapore Youth Resilience Scale (SYRESS)

Know your resilience profile today! Mind Science Centre (MSC) developed the Singapore Youth Resilience Scale (SYRESS) as a tool to examine the resilience profiles of Singapore youths. The derived scoring in the respective domains allows us to gain insights into the areas the youths can build on to achieve a resilient mind. Find out more HERE!

Mind + Parent: Raising a Resilient Child

The new Mind Booklet succinctly summarized the key scenarios and strategies parents or caregivers can use in their daily interactions with their children, to instill positive coping methods from young. These strategies are based on MSC’s SYRESS, which is a validated profiling tool that detailed the key 10 domains of resilience building that youths can tap on to cope with and overcome life stressors. In another words, through the booklet, we empower the parents or the youths themselves to take active steps in developing positive coping strategies that will accompany the youths through life. Check out the booklet today!